
CISO and allies purchasing weapons | best compliance tools

Slay the Compliance Dragon: Use the Best Compliance Tools

If you’re going to gain control over your security and compliance management process, you’ll need to choose the right tools. Your technology solutions are the weapons you wield to slay the compliance dragon. Some of those weapons are required by your certifications, others will help you manage the compliance process itself. All of them are […]

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pine needles and lights with the words Happy Holidays from Everyone at TCT

A Special Holiday Greeting from All of Us at TCT

Total Compliance Tracking got its start on the foundation of strong relationships with folks in the security and compliance space. As the company continues to grow, those relationships remain critical—not because they benefit the bottom line, but because TCT is built on a mission of making the world a better place. That doesn’t mean a […]

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Retro robot | webinar takeaways how automation boosts auditor roi

Key Takeaways Reveal How Automation Boosts Auditor ROI

More and more compliance assessors are getting fed up with the chaos of client engagements. Manual processes are painfully inadequate, and they end up costing your assessment firm thousands of dollars in inefficiencies. TCT’s recent webinar, “How Automation Boosts Auditor ROI,” revealed how automation can make your assessments more effective. Presented by guests Steve Levinson […]

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