When I started Total Compliance Tracking, it was with the mission of helping assessment firms to become stronger businesses. If a software application doesn’t actually provide meaningful business benefits to your organization, then it isn’t worth your time.

TCT Portal compliance software isn’t just a nice feature to add to your assessors’ toolbelts. The benefits of compliance automation actually ripple out to your entire business. Assessment firms that use TCT Portal have made smart business investments that strengthen their companies and give them a boost above their competitors.

Let’s explore the kinds of business benefits you can experience with TCT Portal.

Greater Profits

I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: TCT Portal cuts operational costs and boosts your profitability. By the most conservative estimates, you could see an additional $60,000 per year, per assessor.

With an ROI like that, TCT’s compliance automation software could be the most important business decision you make in 2020. But don’t take my word for it: run the numbers yourself with our ROI calculator.

Stronger Teams

Compliance assessors tend to be lone wolves. Everyone has their own process, their own preferences, and their own work styles. Smaller engagements give you the luxury of managing the project exactly how you want. But for larger engagements, you need a team — and all those lone wolves tend to get in each other’s way.

Assessment firms that use TCT Portal as their compliance management tool have stronger teams, because everyone is operating within the same process. You’re all on the same page, from Day One.

  • The central repository ensures that everyone knows where everything is.
  • Real-time status and tracking eliminates confusion over who’s done what.
  • Document-to-requirement mapping automatically indicates if another assessor has requested or received a file that you may also need. That means less pestering clients multiple times for evidence already provisioned.
  • Reporting is a snap. Multiple people can easily contribute to the same report. When you’re done, click a button and the software generates it for you.

“With TCT, I can collaborate on an engagement with other team members with one tool that we’re all able to use simultaneously. Once you start using TCT Portal, you don’t want to use anything else, because it’s so easy.” – Sherri Collis, principal consultant for Online Business Systems

Case Study: Discover the benefits one assessment firm saw from TCT Portal

More Engaged Assessors

Automation streamlines your compliance engagements. It frees up your people from the onerous, time-consuming manual tasks that they hate. Instead, compliance automation software creates more time for assessors to do the work they love — helping clients.

Rather than tracking status and badgering clients for more evidence, compliance assessors can share their expertise, answer questions in depth, and provide valuable insights to their clients.

Doing meaningful work keeps your people more engaged — and it reduces turnover of your best employees.

More Sales

TCT Portal has the potential to contribute to more sales in two ways:

  • Greater efficiency means increased capacity for more clients
  • Compliance automation provides a competitive advantage

Imagine the competitive advantage when you tell prospects that your compliance software reduces their workload and creates less drain on their own internal resources. Not only can your assessment firm keep helping clients achieve and maintain compliance — you can do it while allowing them to stay focused on their core business. That is one powerful sales pitch.

Discover the Business Value of TCT Portal

TCT Portal isn’t just handy compliance management software. The automation platform has been designed from the ground up to strengthen your business and make your assessment firm more successful.

We aren’t just a software company. We’ve lived and breathed security and compliance for the past 15 years. We’ve slugged it out in the trenches in virtually every capacity. We know the frustrations that assessors, consultants, and clients deal with on a daily basis.

TCT Portal can deliver real business value to your assessment firm. Start a conversation with us to discover how our software can strengthen your company.


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